DespaQ Workflow

DespaQ Workflow

Simplify Your Workflows, connect seamlessly with the tools you already use and love.

PO Matching

Built for 2-way and 3-way matching, DespaQ provides the flexibility you need to eliminate overspending. Even if an invoice is auto-matched, you can still require additional approvals before payment is processed.

  • Matches headers and line levels
  • Aligns currencies, units of measure, and more
  • Supports multiple POs against one invoice and vice versa

Tolerance Range

Want even more flexibility? Rather than manually reviewing all mismatches between invoices, purchase orders, and receiving reports, you can create tolerance thresholds based on amounts or percentages, so an invoice is still considered “matched” if it falls within the threshold.

  • Design rules for freight, delivery, taxes, and discounts
  • Reduce the amount of exceptions that require further investigation
  • Improve first-time match rates to cut costs


Exception approvals on purchase orders are easy. Any exceptions that exceed established thresholds can be sent for immediate approval through email and approved or contested with a single click.

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